I Love Me Event

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

                     On February 14, a group of middle school children from the Windham Middle School Afterschool Program gathered in the Betty Tipton Room at Eastern Connecticut State University for ‘I Love Me!’ an event organized by Student Leaders Sonya Beetham and Jeannine Gemma and hosted by the Center for Community Engagement. The kids were broken into groups that switched every 20 minutes between stations, each having an activity to related to the kids about proper nutrition and self-esteem. For one activity, the kids wrote Valentines to themselves as a way to boost confidence; another included a game of Jeopardy during which the kids were quizzed on nutritional information.  For example, a 100 point question was “true or false: breakfast is unimportant.” The kids grouped together to give their final answers and rack up points to win prizes. At the end of the event the kids gathered in the middle of the BTR and were taught Brazilian dances, then allowed to dance on their own. When ‘Gangnam Style’ came on even the boys couldn’t wait to hit the floor. Everyone had a great time and we look forward to having them back in the future


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