5. It’s good for you.
· It’s a relaxing place that relieves stress. Even though it’s a hospital it’s pretty calm and gives you a chance to talk with people.
4. Gaining professional experience.
· I learned what it takes to work in the health field and in my major of social work. I acquired expertise in confidentiality, and time-management, as well as interpersonal skills. Also, I see many situations that I may have to deal with in my future career.
3. Learn new things.
· While volunteering at Windham Hospital I learned new and sometimes random things that I later found to be important and hope to use to in my education and career.
2. Meet new people!
· The two women I met while working at the MET Desk were always great company during our shift. I recall one volunteer who always brightened my day; she is 93 years old and was always so adorable and gave me advice about my future.
· At the outpatient registry it’s always interesting to meet new people. Some patients are even friendly enough to tell you stories about their past or why they are there in the first place.
1. You make a difference!
· No matter what every person makes a difference and has an impact.
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